Possible projects for Master's theses and internships
Interested students are welcome to become part of our group!
Possible projects for Master's thesis and internships are usually integrated into the ongoing research projects of our group. Therefore, specific topics depend on the interests and inclinations of the students as well as on the ongoing studies in our group.
It is best to contact the group leader to discuss possible topics.
Are you interested in joining our group as a PhD student?
Interested candidates are welcome to talk to the group leader about the possibilities of funding your dissertation. Current PhD position openings are posted in our "News" section.
Link to UGOnline list
Under this link you will find a list of some completed bachelor's and master's theses and dissertations as an example: https://online.uni-graz.at/kfu_online/wbAbs.showMaskAbsBetreuer?pOrgNr=&pPersNr=120381